Tuesday, January 31, 2006

From My Beautiful Wife

She says;

...I'm disgusted with myself that I ever voted for these people, which (not in the last election but in previous ones), I did. I take it back. Sorry.

Police State anyone?

WARNING: this is not democracy and we have already lost all our civil liberties.

Man arrested for protesting against ID cards - using the draconian terrorism laws he'll have a permanent file about it.

I expect I'll be carted away soon for mentioning it - I guess that makes me one of the "Anti-Government forces" Charles Clarke was talking about on Radio 4 the other morning. I like listening to that in the mornings (the Today Program of course), but quite franlky, what I hear mostly scares the cr@p out of me a lot.

Lets not forget these jems of democracy;
28 January 2006: ID cards 'will track where people go'
29 September 2005: Heckler, 82, who dared called Straw a liar is held under terrorist law

Sunday, January 29, 2006

New features in 1.5, JTable (Swing) and JavaDoc

"..now downloading eclipse 3.1.2..." that's what I needed my Eclipse updater to say, not "...2.1.3..."...maybe now I can use Generics and Enums...

Eclipse 3.1.X help pages - nuff said.

Sun's JTable examples - nice and useful- as is this page on layout management, which let's face it, is a pig.
As well as the online JavaDoc reference - handy.

For new Java 1.5 features we have Enhancements in JDK 5, including Enums,

Oh and getting the extra images to display in firefox - that was a amatter of turning off the "Tools/ Options/ Content/ Load Images/ For The Originating web site only" option.

Friday, January 27, 2006

More handy java links

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Firefly Season Two

Shiny. For a given value of Shiny.

New site for telling us about Firefly Season Two

Also, you have to wonder who the production company is that's put up that site, as it says it's not affiliated to Fox or Universal, and does not say it is affiliated with Joss Whedon.

Hmm.... that bit above is supposed to be a picture, and wouldn't you know it, it works in IE but not Firefox. Damn. Must be something up... will try to fix that soon...
Double hmm... as my Make Povery History banner isn't working - I wonder if that's coz I've upgraded to Firefox 1.5 from 1.0.x?

Friday, January 06, 2006

Every OS Sucks

And now, a word from Nathan Fillion...

From Ned Batchelder, a link to Three Dead Trolls, (check out the homepage for a plug by Nathan Fillion), and their new video/tune, Every OS Sucks...

Officially an Uber-Geek :-)

It's a geek, Jim, but not as we know it...

My Beautiful Wife got me Tim Collins book Are You A Geek? for xmas.
We spent some quite amusing time going though it filling it in;

The results are in - I just popped into "ubergeek" status, with 1011 points (you need 1001 - 1500 for this category).
I was/am (geekily) quite pleased about this.
"Thankfully", I got high on the nerdy stuff and low on the Sex life stuff (I.e I'm married and happy and stuff) - so I'm a nerd with a life, apparently.

Groovy, or at least, I think so :-)