Sunday, January 29, 2006

New features in 1.5, JTable (Swing) and JavaDoc

" downloading eclipse 3.1.2..." that's what I needed my Eclipse updater to say, not "...2.1.3..."...maybe now I can use Generics and Enums...

Eclipse 3.1.X help pages - nuff said.

Sun's JTable examples - nice and useful- as is this page on layout management, which let's face it, is a pig.
As well as the online JavaDoc reference - handy.

For new Java 1.5 features we have Enhancements in JDK 5, including Enums,

Oh and getting the extra images to display in firefox - that was a amatter of turning off the "Tools/ Options/ Content/ Load Images/ For The Originating web site only" option.


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