Thursday, December 01, 2005

Internal Web Sites (Squishdot, ZWikki and Zope)

At the XP day, a couple of the guys there asked me about the Intranet stuff we have set up, as we use this to keep ourselves up to date on all sorts of things in the company.

Using Python, there is a web server called Zope.
Under Zope (download page here) we set up a Squishdot site (downloaded from here; you need the TinyTable zope product as well), which is inspired by Slashdot, and we also installed a Wikki using the built-in ZWikki application.
We then customised some of the Squishdot installation to include Anonymous browsing and Logins for posting - this info can be found in the Squishdot site, as above.

I ended up so involved with Squishdot that I help moderate the site from time to time - I'm glad to help with any queries. I guess it's one of the few ways I've contributed back for all the help the open-source community has given me over the years.

We changed the RSS feed on the Squishdot site to be more complex, so that we can have our feed demons/etc picking up all the latest posts and information, as a way of broadcasting it round the whole company.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was good to meet you at the conference Mark. Thanks for posting this, I'm in the middle of looking at options for using RSS in our release process at the moment.

Cheers, Steve

Friday, December 02, 2005 9:25:00 am  

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