Thursday, November 17, 2005

Cruise Control, Ant and VBUnit.

"It aint pretty, but we gone and done it anyway..."

We've just got a continuous integration server set up where I work, and we have many big legacy VB6 applications that just won't go away. Your mission should you choose to accept it... is to drag this stuff into the 20th century. And I know it's now the 21st, but one step at a time huh?

Cruise Control - the industry standard, I think because it 's about the only one, for Continuous Integration.

For non-java and projects, I think most of all you want to be looking at some of the original essays by the first few folks at ThoughtWorks who put it togther;

As, of great use to us mortals who have to live in a partial non-java world, they tell you how to do it in com;

...which was the basis we (well, me, on my own one night) used to make VB6 (I know, I know, for our sins, legacy, etc etc) build from an Ant file.
Then we added in VBUnit3, and suddenly we felt a little closer to the real world.
After that worked the first time, I had to go have a lie down. Then danced round the office and made everyone come and watch... "..throw the switch egor... it's alive..."


Blogger Simon said...

Hi Mark,

A team that I am currently coaching in Munich is currently trying to do something very similar with VB6, VBUnit and CruiseControl. They are maintaining an old application that should have been migrated to VB.NET ages ago but we're stuck with VB6 for now.

I was wondering if you have an example ant build file and/or other details that you could post here.

I realise from reading your blog that you have moved on to far better things now but any additional info that you could provide would be very much appreciated.


Simon Roberts

Wednesday, July 11, 2007 12:55:00 pm  

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