XP Day {Day 2, Tuesday} (London 2005)
Another great day was had.
First I went to Scrum 59 Minutes by Rachel Davies and Giovanni Asproni - a great introduction. Between this and the Lego game yesterday I can see how Simon and Tulna and El Presidente have chosen some great, practical bits to put together; it really made me feel that the stuff I'd been reading up on and talking about were I work was all valid again, instead of feeling like the resistance was insurmountable.
After that it was Storytelling With FIT in the after noon by Steve Freeman and Mike Hill. They did a great lesson, from an overview, not-so-techie level, of what FIT is and how it can be excellent for acceptance testing. Unfortunately here, there is a strong division between not only all the Dev teams but QA and Support as well, so that will be a hard sell. Thankfully after some round-the-kettle discussion this morning the QA guys I know were saying "my god, it sounds like a proper process", so I think we have some buy-in :-)
I was lucky, I think, in choosing some of the best presented and informative presentations there were.
Great stuff, feeling invigorated about it all, and for a while the fight to get it here won't feel so bad knowing many other people are fighting the same good fight, and having a tougher time, if not worse...